DJI O4 Racing: Are We Ready to Ditch the Analog Dinosaur?

Can DJI's new O4 air unit compete in the racing scene? Discover the results of testing against HDZero and analog systems, including performance, weight, and interference.

18 days ago   •   4 min read

By Alex
Table of contents

Can you use DJI O4 for racing?

Joshua Bardwell, the FPV guru, visited Fly Five33, home of Evan Turner, a three-time Multi GP world champion, to see if DJI's new O4 air unit with racing mode could hold its own in the racing scene. The burning question: Can it compete against HDZero and analog systems without causing interference?

Joshua Bardwell at Fly Five33

Weight comparison: DJI vs analog vs HDZero

Evan and the team weighed the contenders. The HDZero tiny trainer clocked in at 163 grams with battery, while the DJI O4 was just a few grams heavier at 171 grams with arm covers. Analog was in the same ballpark, proving that weight isn't a deal-breaker for DJI.

Weight comparison of DJI, Analog, and HDZero

Evan sets a hot lap with HDZero

Evan showcased his skills with the HDZero, setting two consecutive laps in a blazing 31.14 seconds. It felt like home for him, being comfortable with HDZero's system.

Evan Turner flying HDZero

Interference test between HDZero, Analog, DJI O4

With three pilots on the line, interference was minimal. A DJI pilot powered up, and surprisingly, nobody complained about interference. Analog picked up some noise, but nothing catastrophic.

Interference test between systems

How close can DJI get before it interferes?

In a close-range test, DJI goggles only started interfering with the analog system at a couple of inches away. So, no need to worry about DJI pilots sitting too close during races!

How to spectate and monitor DJI pilots

Monitoring DJI pilots requires a bit of setup with a Cosmo streamer, a Raspberry Pi device that captures the signal via USB-C. It's a bit cumbersome but manageable with the right gear.

Setup for monitoring DJI pilots

Testing timing with DJI, analog, and HDZero

The timing system worked well with all systems. Trackside, the timing software, handled the digital input without a hitch, proving that DJI can integrate into existing systems.

Timing test setup

O4 Lite FOV is smaller -- worse for racing

The DJI O4 Lite's field of view (FOV) is noticeably narrower at 117 degrees, compared to the wider FOV of other systems. This could limit the amount of information racers can see, potentially slowing them down.

Evan detects ELRS 50 Hz vs. 500 Hz

Evan demonstrated his superhuman ability to feel the difference between 50 Hz and 500 Hz refresh rates on ELRS, highlighting the importance of high refresh rates for racing precision.

Crash testing the DJI O4 Lite

Evan put the O4 Lite through a durability test, crashing it hard into concrete. The unit survived, with only the UFL popping off, proving its robustness.

Crash testing DJI O4 Lite

Evan sets a hot lap with DJI O4

Despite initial discomfort, Evan set a fast lap with the DJI O4, clocking in at 29.8 seconds. This shows that with practice, DJI O4 can compete with HDZero.

One last hot lap on HDZero

Evan returned to HDZero for a final test, setting a new personal best of 31.03 seconds. The wide FOV seemed to give him the edge in precision and speed.

Evan's final lap with HDZero

What was the biggest difference between them?

The narrower field of view on the DJI O4 Lite was the biggest drawback, affecting Evan's ability to see the next element in the track. However, latency wasn't an issue, and video quality was impressive.

More testing is needed

Joshua concluded that more testing, especially in indoor environments, is necessary. DJI's superior performance in multipath environments could make it a strong contender for indoor racing.


  • Can DJI O4 be used in races? Yes, but more testing is needed to fully understand its potential.
  • Is the field of view an issue? The narrower FOV of the O4 Lite can be a drawback in racing.
  • What about interference? Minimal interference was observed in tests, but close proximity can cause issues.
  • How does it compare to HDZero? In terms of lap times, it's competitive, but HDZero's wider FOV offers better visibility.
  • Is DJI O4 durable? Yes, it survived a crash with minimal damage.

For more insights into FPV racing, check out our guide on HD FPV and learn how to build your own mini FPV quadcopter.

This article was based from the video Is DJI O4 Finally Ready For Racing? (Time Trial vs. HDZero!)

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