About a year ago Happymodel introduced the mobula7, a 75x brushless whoop that quickly become very popular as it bought impressive performance to the table for a very reasonable price. Since then, Happymodel have released a few other quads like the Mobula7 HD which brings back some customer support nightmares for us (the first version of this was basically a time-bomb as it used an under rated ESC for the motors). They then released two toothpick class quads, the Sailfly which was meh, and the larva X which although decent, did not realy stand out. But its the end of 2019 and Happymodel have released a new 65x brushless whoop, and on paper it seems ideal, read on to find out what we think.
The mobula6 is one of the best whoops around. Not only is it one of the cheapest in its class, it also flies exceptionally well thanks to the super lightweight design. The canopy is also of of the best ones we have seen so far. If you are looking to grab a new 65x whoop, get a mobula6.
Where to Buy
- UnmannedTech UK (thats us)
- BangGood China
- Gearbest China

The Good
- Excellent value for money at around $85
- Super lightweight design means it flies well. You can easily do acro with the mobula6
- Available in two motor kV options. 19000kV and 25000kV variants. 25000kV is best for whoop racers who want insane whoop perforance, but it comes at the cost of shorter flight times. I think the 19000kV is best for most people as it still rips enough to do acro but you still have good control and longer flight times.
- Canopy is the best one I have seen yet. Not only does it look cool, it is also super strong.
- Happymodel are using branded parts such as the runcam nano 3 camera, and gemfan props, making the FPV feed and flight performance so much better than before.
- SPI receiver means binding is super easy via CLI, and you can switch between FRsky_D or Frsky_X depending if you use an LBT reciever or not. Also comes with a flysky receiver variant too.
- You get 3 batteries in the box
The Bad
- The frame itself is fairly weak, but at an all up weight of 20g for the mobula6 you cant complain much. Plus replacements are fairly cheap too. I dont think this frame is any weaker than other frames.
- It ships with betaflight 3.5.7. A fairly old release, but its not all that bad as it flies great out of the box.
- Charger is a super basic single USB charger. It will work ok, but you will want to get a proper whoop battery charging bank.
Overall Verdict
In a few words the mobula6 is basically as good as a BetaFPV quad but way cheaper. The performance and component quality are great and when you combine this with a super cheap price what is not to love. If you want a new 65x class tiny whoop, get a mobula6.
πBuy yours hereπ

Setting up the Mobula6 in BetaFlight
Setting up the mobula 6 is just like any other quad, but since it runs a slightly older version of betaflight, here are the steps to bind your radio via the CLI.
- Connect your mobula to betaflight. Go to the config tab
- On the config tab, set the receiver mode to be SPI RX

- Set the receiver type/provider to be either:
- FRsky_D for D8 mode radios.
- Frsky_X for D16 mode radios.
- Frsky_X LBT for LBT D16 radios.
- Alternatively if flying Flysky, set this to Flysky_2A for AFHDS 2A protocol.
- Click save, and go onto the CLI tab

- As this is betaflight 3.6, you will need to enter the CLI command below to tell your FC to enter bind mode.
- You should see the LED flashing rapidly and the words appear on the CLI terminal “Binding…”

- Now on your radio enter bind mode, and within a couple seconds the LED will change to solid to indicate it is bound. Reboot your FC and radio and it should all work.